MPE 2013+ Workshop on Data-aware Energy Use

September 29 - October 1, 2014
University of California, San Diego

Yuvraj Agarwal, Carnegie Mellon University, Yuvraj.Agarwal at
Mario Berges, Carnegie Mellon University, marioberges at
Midge Cozzens, DIMACS (Education Chair), midgec at
Rajesh Gupta, University of California, San Diego, rgupta at
Zico Kolter, Carnegie Mellon University, zkolter at
Balarkrishnan Narayanaswamy (Murali), University of California, San Diego, muralib at
Fred Roberts, Rutgers University and DIMACS, froberts at
Presented under the auspices of the DIMACS Special Program: Mathematics of Planet Earth 2013+ and the Special Focus on Energy and Algorithms.
With acknowledgement of additional University of California, San Diego support.

Call for Papers:

Increasing demand and expensive supply make efficient resource allocation and optimal decision making critical in energy systems. We need to make good choices about today's energy investments, because they will be with us for a long time.

Data can help us make better choices if we can surmount concomitant challenges: large scale and distributed data acquisition; massive amounts of data; incomplete, unreliable or distributed data; real time data; fusing data for decision making; interoperating/distributed decision makers; decision making in dynamic environments of high consequence; consumer privacy - all complex, multidisciplinary problems.

To support this initiative, the Center for Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science (DIMACS) will sponsor a workshop on Data-aware Energy USe as part of the MPE 2013+ Special Program. The workshop will be held at the University of California-San Diego on September 29 - October 1, 2014. The theme of the workshop is to study the importance and value of data in decision making in energy applications. We will explore harnessing data to address problems in energy, emphasizing three primary areas: sensor networks, data mining, optimization applied to grids, homes, buildings and electric vehicles.

Focus areas include, but are not limited to:

The workshop organizing committee invites submission of paper and poster abstracts to be considered for presentation at the workshop. Papers and posters can be on any theme of the workshop as reflected in the workshop announcement. Talks will be approximately 15 minutes in length. Please include the title of the paper or poster, names and affiliations of authors, the contact author's name, address, email address, and phone number. The abstract or description should be no more than 20 lines, single-spaced. Submissions in tex or latex should not use style files unique to your institution. Indicate the presenter of multiple author papers with an asterisk (*).

Please submit all requested information to Application to Contribute a Paper for the Workshop on Data-aware Energy Use by August 15, 2014. Please indicate with your submission whether you would prefer to present your paper orally or in a poster session.

Acknowledgement will be by email. Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection by email.

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Document last modified on September 18, 2014.