- Multi-Objective Optimization of a Port-of-Entry Inspection
Policy, Christina M. Young, Mingyu Li, Yada Zhu, Minge Xie, Elsayed A.
Elsayed, and Tsvetan Asamov [pdf]
- Port-of-Entry Inspection: Sensor Deployment Policy
Optimization, Elsayed A. Elsayed, Christina Schroepfer, Minge Xie, Hao
Zhang, and Yada Zhu [pdf]
Sequential Decision Making Algorithms for Port of Entry
Overcoming Computational Challenges, David Madigan, Sushil Mittal, and
Fred Roberts [pdf]
- Large Scale LP
Model for Finding Optimal Container
Inspection Strategies, E. Boros, L. Fedzhora, P.B. Kantor, K. Saeger,
P. Stroud [pdf]
Experimental Analysis of Sequential Decision Making
Algorithms for Port of Entry Inspection Procedures, S. Anand, D.
Madigan, R. Mammone, S. Pathak, F. Roberts, in Proceedings of the
International Conference on Entelligence and Security Informatics,
San Diego, May, 2006. [ppt] [pdf]
- Decision support algorithms for port-of-entry inspection,
Fred S. Roberts, in Working Together: Research & Development
Partnerships in
Homeland Security, Proceedings of DHS/IEEE Conference, Boston,
2005. [link,
paper #152]
- Sensors Threshold in Port-of-Entry Inspection Systems, H.
Zhang, C. Schroepfer, and E. A. Elsayed [doc]
- Anual Reports: [2005]
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