DIMACS Workshop on Security Analysis of Protocols

June 7 - 9, 2004
DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ

John Mitchell, Stanford, mitchell@cs.stanford.edu
Ran Canetti, IBM Watson, canetti@watson.ibm.com
Presented under the auspices of the Special Focus on Communication Security and Information Privacy.

Call for Participation:

Several tutorials and a number of research talks have already been selected. However, some additional program slots have been set aside for late-breaking Contributions from interested participants. If you are interested in giving a talk, please send a title and short abstract (1-3 pages) to the organizers, Ran Canetti and John Mitchell, with subject heading "DIMACS Security Protocols - title and abstract," by May 15, 2004.

The workshop will be open for the public. If you'd like to give a presentation, please send a title and abstract to the organizers by May 15, 2004. Also, we intend this to be a participatory and interactive meeting so we hope you will be able to contribute to the meeting even without giving an announced talk.

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Document last modified on April 22, 2004.