Workshop: Special Year on Logic and Algorithms - One Year Later

July 23-25, 1997
DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ

Eric Allender, Rutgers University,
Robert Kurshan, Bell Labs,
Moshe Vardi, Rice University,
Presented under the auspices of the DIMACS Special Year on Logic and Algorithms.

The 1995-1996 Special Year on Logic and Algorithms (SYLA) was aimed at bridging a dichotomy in computer science between two major branches of research, one in algorithms and complexity, and the other one in models and semantics. SYLA focused on three bridge areas: computer-aided Verification, finite-model Theory, and proof complexity. Computer-Aided Verification studies algorithms and structures for verifying properties of programs. Finite-model theory studies the logical properties of finite structures, and has intimate connections with complexity theory and database theory. Proof complexity studies the length of proofs and the complexity of the inference steps within the proof. SYLA consisted of a 3-week long summer school, 11 workshops, and a federated logic conference.

We are now planning to hold a DIMACS Workshop on "Logic and Algorithms: One Year Later", to take place at Rutgers University, on July 23-25, 1997. The goal of the workshop is to follow up on SYLA. The workshop will cover the three major topics of the Special Year, computer-aided verification, finite-model theory, and proof complexity. We are inviting to the workshop people who participated in the Special Year. We would like them to report on research results that arose during the Special Year or following it. During the Special Year, we conducted many specialized workshops. In this workshop, we are trying to bring the three topics together, in an attempt to provide participants with a broader view of the field.

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Document last modified on January 13, 1997