DIMACS Workshop on Statistical Physics Methods in Discrete Probability, Combinatorics and Theoretical Computer Science

Sunday, March 23 - Thursday, March 27, 1997

Sunday, March 23 - Monday, March 24, 1997 at the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ
Tuesday, March 25 - Thursday, March 27, 1997 at DIMACS, CoRE Building, Rutgers University

Jennifer T. Chayes, UCLA, jchayes@math.ucla.edu
Dana Randall, Georgia Tech, randall@math.gatech.edu
Presented under the auspices of the DIMACS Special Focus on Discrete Probability.

The organizers have not provided a call for participation yet. Some workshops invite papers and some have open solicitation. If this is not completed yet, the Workshop Announcement may have information.

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Document last modified on October 3, 1996.