DIMACS Workshop in Honor of Bob Tarjan's 60th Birthday
May 9 - 10, 2008
Princeton University Dept. of Computer Science
- Organizers:
- Adam L. Buchsbaum, AT & T Labs, alb at research.att.com
- Valerie King, University of Victoria, val at uvic.ca
- Daniel Sleator, Carnegie Mellon University, sleator at cs.cmu.edu
We are indebted to the following sponsors for vital financial support:
- Princeton University Dept. of Computer Science
- HP Labs
- Tom Leighton, MIT and Akamai Technologies
- Bruce Maggs, CMU and Akamai Technologies
- Octoshape
Call for Participation:
Speakers are by invitation only however the workshop is open to all.
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Document last modified on January 25, 2008.