DIMACS 2002-2011 Special Focus on Computational and Mathematical Epidemiology: Calendar
- Working Group Meeting: Mathematical Sciences Methods for the Study of Deliberate Releases of Biological Agents and their Consequences
- Dates: First Meeting, March 22 - 23, 2002
- Location: DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University
- Organizers: Carlos Castillo-Chavez, Cornell University and Fred Roberts, Rutgers University
- Email: cc32@cornell.edu, froberts@dimacs.rutgers.edu
- Working Group Meeting: Analogies Between Computer Viruses and Immune Systems and Biological Viruses and Immune Systems
- Dates: First Meeting, June 10 - 13, 2002
- Location: DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University
- Organizers: Lora Billings, Montclair State University; Stephanie Forrest, U. New Mexico; Alun Lloyd, Institute for Advanced Study; Ira Schwartz, Naval Research Laboratory
- Email: billingsl@mail.montclair.edu, forrest@cs.unm.edu, alun@alunlloyd.com, schwartz@nlschaos.nrl.navy.mil
- Tutorial: Dynamic Models of Epidemiological Problems
- Dates: June 24 - 27, 2002
- Location: DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University
- Organizers: Carlos Castillo-Chavez, Cornell University;
Herbert Hethcote, University of Iowa; Pauline van den Driessche, University of Victoria
- Email: cc32@cornell.edu, herbert-hethcote@uiowa.edu, pvdd@math.uvic.ca
- International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Epidemiology
- Dates: June 28 - July 2, 2002
- Location: DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University
- Organizers: Simon Levin, Princeton University and Fred Roberts, Rutgers University
- Email: slevin@eno.princeton.edu, froberts@dimacs.rutgers.edu
- Tutorial: Epidemiology for Mathematical Scientists Part I: Introduction to Epidemiological
Dates: August 26 - 30, 2002
Location: DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University
Organizers: David Ozonoff, Boston University, School of Public Health and Daniel Wartenberg, UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
Email: dozonoff@bu.edu, wartenbe@umdnj.edu
- Tutorial: Epidemiology for Mathematical Scientists Part II: The Foundations of Molecular Genetics for Non-Biologists
Dates: August 26 - 30, 2002
Location: DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University
Organizer: William Sofer, Rutgers University
Email: sofer@waksman.rutgers.edu
- Workshop: The Pathogenesis of Infectious Diseases: Host-Pathogen Dynamics
- Dates: September 23 - 25, 2002
- Location: DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University
- Organizers: Denise Kirschner, University of Michigan and Alan Perelson, Los Alamos
- Email: kirschne@malthus.micro.med.umich.edu, asp@atlas.lanl.gov
- Working Group Meeting: First Meeting, Adverse Event/Disease Reporting, Surveillance and Analysis
- Dates: October 16 - 18, 2002
- Location: DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University
- Organizers: Donald Hoover, and David Madigan, Rutgers University; Henry Rolka, (CDC)
- Email: drhoover@stat.rutgers.edu, madigan@stat.rutgers.edu, hrr2@cdc.gov
- Subgroup Meeting: Adverse Event/Disease Reporting, Surveillance and Analysis
- Dates: February 10, 2003
- Location: Marriott Hotel, Newark Airport, Newark, NJ
- Organizers: Donald Hoover, and David Madigan, Rutgers University; Henry Rolka, (CDC)
- Email: drhoover@stat.rutgers.edu, madigan@stat.rutgers.edu, hrr2@cdc.gov
- Working
Group: Mathematical and Computational Aspects Related to the Study of The
Tree of Life
- Dates: March 11 - 14, 2003
- Location: DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University
- Organizers: Melvin F. Janowitz, DIMACS; Francois-Joseph Lapointe,
Universite de Montreal; F.R. McMorris, Illinois Institute of
Technology; Fred Roberts, DIMACS
- Email: melj@dimacs.rutgers.edu,mcmorris@iit.edu,lapoinf@biol.umontreal.ca
- Working Group Meeting: Spatio-Temporal and Network Modeling of Diseases
- Dates: First Meeting, April 22 - 26, 2003
- Location: DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University
- Organizers: Bryan Grenfell, Cambridge; Valerie Isham, University College London; Matthew Keeling, Cambridge; Alun Lloyd, Institute for Advanced Study; Denis Mollison, Heriot-Watt University
- Email: bryan@zoo.cam.ac.uk, valerie@stats.ucl.ac.uk, matt@zoo.cam.ac.uk, alun@alunlloyd.com, D.Mollison@ma.hw.ac.uk
- Working Group Meeting: Data Mining and Epidemiology
- Dates: First Meeting, May 22, 2003
- Location: DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University
- Organizers: Ilya Muchnik, Rutgers University; S. Muthukrishnan, AT&T Labs - Research and Rutgers University; David Ozonoff, Boston University
- Email: muchnik@dimacs.rutgers.edu, muthu@cs.rutgers.edu, dozonoff@bu.edu
- This meeting is by invitation only.
Working Group on Modeling Social Responses to Bio-terrorism Involving Infectious Agents
- Dates: First Meeting, May 29 - 30, 2003
- Location: DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University
- Organizers: John Glasser, CDC; Ellis McKenzie, NIH; Fred Roberts. Rutgers University
- Email: jwg3@cdc.gov, McKenzel@mail.nih.gov, froberts@dimacs.rutgers.edu
- This meeting is by invitation only.
- Tutorial: Statistical and Other Analytic Health Surveillance Methods
- Dates: June 17 - 20, 2003
- Location: DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University
- Organizer: David Madigan, Rutgers University; Henry Rolka, CDC; Martin Kulldorff, University of Connecticut
- Email: madigan@stat.rutgers.edu, hrr2@cdc.gov, martink@neuron.uchc.edu
- Working Group: The Ecology and Evolution of Influenza and Related Viruses
- Dates: June 29 - July 2, 2003
- Location: DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University
- Organizer: Simon Levin, Princeton University
- Email: slevin@eno.princeton.edu
- This meeting is by invitation only
- Working Group: Genetics and Evolution of Pathogens
- Dates: November 24 - 25, 2003
- Location: DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University
- Organizers: Zhilan Feng, Purdue University
- Email: zfeng@math.purdue.edu
- Working Group Meeting: Privacy / Confidentiality of Health Data
- Date: December 10 - 12, 2003
- Location: DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University
- Organizer: Rakesh Agrawal, IBM Almaden; Larry Cox, CDC; Joe Fred Gonzalez, CDC; Harry Guess, University of North Carolina
- Email: ragrawal@acm.org, lcox@cdc.gov, jfg2@cdc.gov, harry_guess@unc.edu
- This meeting is by invitation only.
- Working Group Meeting: Adverse Event/Disease Reporting, Surveillance and Analysis II
- Dates: Second Meeting, February 19 - 20, 2004
- Location: DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University
- Organizers: Donald Hoover, and David Madigan, Rutgers University; Henry Rolka, (CDC)
- Email: drhoover@stat.rutgers.edu, madigan@stat.rutgers.edu, hrr2@cdc.gov
- This meeting is by invitation only.
- Working Group Meeting: Data Mining and Epidemiology
- Dates: Second Meeting, March 18 - 19, 2004
- Location: DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University
- Organizers: James Abello, Rutgers University; Graham Cormode, Rutgers University; Kenton Morgan, University of Liverpool;
David Ozonoff, Boston University
- Email: abello@dimacs.rutgers.edu, graham@dimacs.rutgers.edu, k.l.morgan@liverpool.ac.uk, dozonoff@bu.edu
- This meeting is by invitation only.
- Working Group Meeting: Methodologies for Comparing Vaccination Strategies
- Dates: May 17 - 20, 2004
- Location: DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University
- Organizers: John Glasser, CDC and Herbert Hethcote, University of Iowa
- Email: jwg3@cdc.gov, herbert-hethcote@uiowa.edu
- Workshop: Genomic Instability in Cancer: Biological and Mathematical Approaches
- Dates: June 8 - 9, 2004
- Location: Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, New Jersey
- Organizers: Natalia Komarova, Rutgers University and Institute for Advanced Study, and
Arnold Levine, Institute for Advanced Study,
and Robert Wood Johnson School of Medicine and Dentistry
- Email: natalia@ias.edu
- This meeting is by invitation only.
- Working Group: Challenges for Cryptographers in Health Data Privacy
- Date: June 30, 2004
- Location: DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University
- Organizers: Benny Pinkas, HP Labs; Kobbi Nissim, Microsoft Research
- Email: benny.pinkas at hp.com, kobbi at microsoft.com
- Working Group Meeting: Phylogenetic
Trees and Rapidly Evolving Diseases
- First Meeting: DIMACS Symposium on Phylogenetics and Rapidly Evolving Pathogens
- Dates: September 7 - 8, 2004
- Location: Aotea Centre, Auckland, New Zealand
- Organizers: Allen Rodrigo, University Of Auckland
and Mike Steel, University of Canterbury
- Email: a.rodrigo@auckland.ac.nz, M.Steel@math.canterbury.ac.nz
- Workshop: Reticulated Evolution
Dates: September 20 - 21, 2004
- Location: DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University
- Organizer: Mel Janowitz, DIMACS; Bernard Moret, University of New Mexico; Randy Linder, University of Texas
- Email: melj@dimacs.rutgers.edu, moret@cs.unm.edu, rlinder@mail.utexas.edu
- Working Group: Reticulated Evolution
Dates: September 22, 2004
- Location: DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University
- Organizer: Mel Janowitz, DIMACS; Bernard Moret, University of New Mexico; Randy Linder, University of Texas
- Email: melj@dimacs.rutgers.edu, moret@cs.unm.edu, rlinder@mail.utexas.edu
- Working Group: Data De-Identification, Combinatorial Optimization, Graph Theory, and the Stat/OR Interface
- Date: November 9 - 10, 2004
- Location: DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University
- Organizers: Larry Cox, CDC; Brenda Latka, DIMACS; Fred Roberts, DIMACS
- Email: lcox@cdc.gov, latka@dimacs.rutgers.edu, froberts@dimacs.rutgers.edu
- Working Group Meeting: Adverse Event/Disease Reporting, Surveillance and Analysis III
- Date: Third Meeting, March 2, 2005
- Location: Bethesda, Maryland
- Organizers: Donald Hoover, and David Madigan, Rutgers University; Henry Rolka, (CDC)
- Email: drhoover@stat.rutgers.edu, madigan@stat.rutgers.edu, hrr2@cdc.gov
- This meeting is by invitation only.
- Tutorial and Working Group Meeting: Order-theoretic Aspects of Epidemiology
- Dates: First Meeting, March 7 - 9, 2005
- Location: DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University
- Organizers: David Ozonoff, Boston University; Melvin Janowitz and Fred Roberts, Rutgers University
- Email: dozonoff@bu.edu, melj@dimacs.rutgers.edu, froberts@dimacs.rutgers.edu
- DIMACS Epidemiology Minisymposium
- Dates: April 25, 2005
- Location: DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University
- Organizers: Simon Levin, Princeton University and Fred Roberts, DIMACS, Rutgers University
- Email: slevin@princeton.edu, froberts@dimacs.rutgers.edu
- Workshop: Evolutionary Considerations in Vaccine Use
- Dates: June 27 - 29, 2005
- Location: DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University
- Organizers: Troy Day, Queen's U.; Alison Galvani, Yale U.; Abba Gumel, U. of Manitoba; Claudio Struchiner, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation
- Email: tday@mast.queensu.ca, alison.galvani@yale.edu, gumelab@cc.umanitoba.ca, stru@malaria.procc.fiocruz.br
- Workshop: Economic Epidemiology
- Dates: October 24 - 25, 2005
- Location: DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University
- Organizers: Dave Smith, NIH; and Ramanan Laxminarayan, Resources for the Future
- Email: smitdave@helix.nih.gov, ramanan@rff.org
- Workshop: The Epidemiology and Evolution of Influenza
- Dates: January 25 - 27, 2006
- Location: DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University
- Organizers: Catherine Macken and Alan Perelson, Los Alamos National Labs
- Email: cam@synapse.lanl.gov, asp@lanl.gov
- Working Group Meeting: Adverse Event/Disease Reporting, Surveillance and Analysis IV
- Date: Fourth Meeting, February 10, 2006
- Location: DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University
- Organizers: Donald Hoover, and David Madigan, Rutgers University; Henry Rolka, CDC
- Email: drhoover@stat.rutgers.edu, madigan@stat.rutgers.edu, hrr2@cdc.gov
- This meeting is by invitation only.
- Working Group Meeting: BioSurveillance Data Monitoring and Information Exchange
- Dates: February 22 - 24, 2006
- Location: DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University
- Organizers: David Madigan, Rutgers University; Colleen Martin and Henry Rolka, CDC
- Email: madigan@stat.rutgers.edu, auq4@cdc.gov, hrr2@cdc.gov
- Tutorial on Data Mining and Epidemiology
- Dates: March 23 - 24, 2006
- Location: DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University
- Organizer: James Abello, DIMACS; and Graham Cormode, Bell Laboratories
- Email: abello@dimacs.rutgers.edu, cormode@bell-labs.com
- Workshop: Combinatorial Group Testing
- Dates: May 17 - 19, 2006
- Location: DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University
- Organizers: Ding-zhu Du, University of Texas; and Frank Hwang, Chiatong University
- Email: dzdu@utdallas.edu, fhwang@math.nctu.edu.tw
- Tutorial: Phylogenetic
Trees and Rapidly Evolving Pathogens
- Dates: June 19 - 20, 2006
- Location: DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University
- Organizers: Katherine St. John, The City University of New York
- Email: stjohn@lehman.cuny.edu
- Workshop: Phylogenetic
Trees and Rapidly Evolving Pathogens
- Dates: June 21- 22, 2006
- Location: DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University
- Organizers: Allen Rodrigo, University Of Auckland
and Mike Steel, University of Canterbury
- Email: a.rodrigo@auckland.ac.nz, M.Steel@math.canterbury.ac.nz
- Working Group Meeting: Phylogenetic
Trees and Rapidly Evolving Pathogens II
- Dates: Second Meeting: June 23, 2006
- Location: DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University
- Organizers: Allen Rodrigo, University Of Auckland
and Mike Steel, University of Canterbury
- Email: a.rodrigo@auckland.ac.nz, M.Steel@math.canterbury.ac.nz
- Workshop: Facing the Challenge of Infectious Diseases in Africa: The Role of Mathematical Modeling
- Dates: September 25 - 27, 2006
- Location: University of the Witwatersrand (Wits), Johannesburg, South Africa
- Organizers: Dominic Clemence, North Carolina AT&T State University; Wayne Getz, UC Berkeley; Abba Gumel, University of Manitoba; John Hargrove, SACEMA Director; Edward Lungu, University of Botswana; Fred Roberts, DIMACS
- Email: clemence@ncat.edu, getz@nature.berkeley.edu, gumelab@cc.umanitoba.ca, jhargrove@sun.ac.za, lunguem@noka.ub.bw, froberts@dimacs.rutgers.edu
- Workshop: Models of Co-Evolution of Hosts and Pathogens
- Dates: October 9 - 11, 2006
- Location: DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University
- Organizers: Viggo Andreasen, Roskilde; Andrea Pugliese, Trento
- Email: viggo@fatou.ruc.dk, pugliese@science.unitn.it
- Workshop: Immuno-epidemiology
- Dates: December 11 - 13, 2006
- Location: DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University
- Organizer: Hans Heesterbeek, and Rob de Boer, Universiteit Utrecht, The Netherlands
- Email: j.a.p.heesterbeek at vet.uu.nl, r.j.deboer@bio.uu.nl
- Working Group Meeting: Spatio-Temporal and Network Modeling of Diseases (Second Meeting)
- Dates: May 14 - 18, 2007
- Location: The International Centre for Mathematical Sciences,(ICMS), Edinburgh, UK
- Organizers: Valerie Isham, University College London; Alun Lloyd, North Carolina State University; Denis Mollison, Heriot-Watt University
- Email: valerie@stats.ucl.ac.uk, alun@alunlloyd.com, D.Mollison@ma.hw.ac.uk
- DIMACS/DyDAn Research Project on Potential Uses of Entropy in Biosurveillance
- Dates: May 29 - August 20, 2007
- Location: DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University
- Organizer: Nina Fefferman, DIMACS
- Email: feferman@Math.Princeton.EDU
- US-Africa Advanced Study Institute on Mathematical Modeling of Infectious Diseases in Africa
- Dates: June 11 - 22, 2007
- Location: AIMS, Cape Town, South Africa
- Organizers: Brenda Latka, (Program Chair), DIMACS; Wayne Getz, UC Berkeley; Abba Gumel, University of Manitoba; Fritz Hahne, AIMS; John Hargrove, SACEMA; Simon Levin, Princeton University; Edward Lungu, University of Botswana; Fred Roberts, DIMACS; and Alex Welte, Wits University
- Email: latka@dimacs.rutgers.edu, getz@nature.berkeley.edu, gumelab@cc.umanitoba.ca, fjwh@aims.ac.za,
jhargrove@sun.ac.za, slevin@eno.princeton.edu, lunguem@mopipi.ub.bw, froberts@dimacs.rutgers.edu, awelte@cam.wits.ac.za
- Workshop: Mathematical Modeling of Infectious Diseases in Africa
- Dates: June 25 - 27, 2007
- Location: Stellenbosch, South Africa
- Organizers: Brenda Latka, (Program Chair), DIMACS; Wayne Getz, UC Berkeley; Abba Gumel, University of Manitoba; Fritz Hahne, AIMS; John Hargrove, SACEMA; Simon Levin, Princeton University; Edward Lungu, University of Botswana; Fred Roberts, DIMACS; and Alex Welte, Wits University
- Email: latka@dimacs.rutgers.edu, getz@nature.berkeley.edu, gumelab@cc.umanitoba.ca, fjwh@aims.ac.za,
jhargrove@sun.ac.za, slevin@eno.princeton.edu, lunguem@mopipi.ub.bw, froberts@dimacs.rutgers.edu, awelte@cam.wits.ac.za
- Workshop: Systems Biology of Infectious Diseases
- Dates: August 13 - September 2, 2007
- Location: Aspen Center for Physics, Aspen, Colorado
- Organizers: Charles DeLisi, Boston University; Simon Levin, Princeton University
- Email: delisi@bu.edu, slevin@princeton.edu
- DIMACS/DyDAn Workshop: Computational Methods for Dynamic Interaction Networks
- Dates: September 24 - 25, 2007
- Location: DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University
- Organizers: Tanya Berger-Wolf, University of Illinois; Mark Goldberg, RPI; Malik Magdon-Ismail, RPI; William "Al" Wallace, RPI
- Email: tanyabw@uic.edu, goldberg@cs.rpi.edu, magdon@cs.rpi.edu, wallaw@rpi.edu
- Workshop: Game Theoretic Approaches to Epidemiology and Ecology
- Dates: October 15 - 17, 2007
- Location: DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University
- Organizers: Alison Galvani, Yale University; Tim Reluga, Los Alamos National Laboratory
- Email: alison.galvani@yale.edu, treluga@lanl.gov
- Balancing Data Confidentiality and Data Quality: A two-day tutorial sponsored by DIMACS and DyDAn
- Dates: November 8 - 9, 2007
- Location: DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University
- Organizer: Larry Cox, CDC
- Email: ljtcox at aol.com
- Workshop: Ecologic Inference
- Dates: November 28 - 30, 2007
- Location: DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University
- Organizer: Tom Webster, Boston University
- Email: twebster@bu.edu
- DIMACS/DyDAn Workshop: Climate and Disease
- Dates: April 7 - 8, 2008
- Location: DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University
- Organizers: Benjamin A. Cash, Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies; Andrew Dobson, Princeton University; Jim Kinter, Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies; and Mercedes Pascual, University of Michigan
- Email: bcash at cola.iges.org, dobber at princeton.edu, kinter at cola.iges.org, pascual at umich.edu
- DIMACS/DyDAn Workshop: Investigation of Disease Clusters:
Transitioning to the 21st Century and Beyond
- Dates: May 6 - 8, 2008
- Location: DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University
- Organizers: Andrew Lawson, University of South Carolina, and Daniel Wartenberg, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
- Email: alawson@gwm.sc.edu, dew@eohsi.rutgers.edu
- US-Africa Advanced Study Institute on Mathematical Modeling of Infectious Diseases in Africa
- Dates: June 30 - July 11, 2008
- Location: AIMS, Muizenberg, South Africa
- Organizers: Wayne Getz, UC Berkeley; Abba Gumel, University of Manitoba; Fritz Hahne, AIMS; John Hargrove, SACEMA; Simon Levin, Princeton University; Edward Lungu, University of Botswana; Fred Roberts, DIMACS; and Alex Welte, Wits University
- Email: getz@nature.berkeley.edu, gumelab@cc.umanitoba.ca, fjwh@aims.ac.za,
jhargrove@sun.ac.za, slevin@eno.princeton.edu, lunguem@mopipi.ub.bw, froberts@dimacs.rutgers.edu, awelte@cam.wits.ac.za
- Workshop: Modeling the Impact of Policy Options during Public Health Crises
- Dates: July 27 - August 1, 2008
- Location: Banff International Research Station
- Organizers: Fred Brauer, University of British Columbia; John W. Glasser, CDC; and Zhilan Feng, Purdue University
- Email: brauer@math.ubc.ca, jglasser@cdc.gov, zfeng@math.purdue.edu
- Working Group Meeting: Spatio-Temporal and Network Modeling of Diseases (Third Meeting)
- Dates: October 21 - 25, 2008
- Location: Tubingen, Germany
- Organizers: Martin Eichner, Tubingen University; Nina Fefferman,
DIMACS; Valerie Isham, University College London; Alun Lloyd, North Carolina State University; Denis Mollison, Heriot-Watt University
- Email: martin.eichner at uni-tuebingen.de, nina.fefferman at
tufts.edu, valerie at stats.ucl.ac.uk, alun_lloyd at ncsu.edu, denis at ma.hw.ac.uk
Working Group: Network Models of Biological and Social Contagion
- Dates: November 3 - 4, 2008
- Location: DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University
- Organizers: Lauren Ancel Meyers, University of Texas at Austin; and Michelle Girvan, University of Maryland
- Email: laurenmeyers at mail.utexas.edu, girvan at umd.edu
- Workshop: Stochasticity in Population and Disease Dynamics
- Dates: December 8 - 10, 2008
- Location: DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University
- Organizers: Jonathan Dushoff, McMaster University; Todd Parsons,
University of Pennsylvania; and Joshua Plotkin, University of Pennsylvania
- Email: dushoff at mcmaster.ca, tparsons at sas dot upenn dot edu, jplotkin at sas dot upenn dot edu
- Workshop: Models/Methodological Problems of Botanical Epidemiology
- Dates: March 16 - 18, 2009
- Location: DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University
- Organizer: Chris Gilligan, Cambridge
- Email: cag1@cus.cam.ac.uk
- Tutorial: Statistical De-identification of Confidential Health Data with Application to the HIPAA Privacy Regulations
- Dates: April 30 - May 1, 2009
- Location: DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University
- Organizers: Daniel Barth-Jones, Columbia University; Alina Campan,
Northern Kentucky University; and Traian Marius Truta, Northern Kentucky University
- Email: db2431 at columbia.edu, campana1 at nku.edu, trutat1 at nku.edu
- Workshop: Identifying Genetic Signatures for the Evolution of Complex Phenotypes
- Dates: June 11 - 12, 2009
- Location: DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University
- Organizers: Gyan Bhanot, Rutgers University; Cancer Institute of
New Jersey and the Institute for Advanced Study; and Raul Rabadan, Columbia University
- Email: gyanbhanot at gmail.com, rabadan at dbmi.columbia.edu
- Workshop: Mathematical Models for Behavioral Epidemiology
- Dates: November 16 - 18, 2009
- Location: DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University
- Organizers: Nina Fefferman, DIMACS
- Email: fefferman at aesop.rutgers.edu
- Workshop: Climate and Health
- Dates: January 21 - 22, 2010
- Location: DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University
- Organizers: Nina Fefferman, DIMACS
- Email: fefferman at aesop.rutgers.edu
Workshop: Modeling and Mitigation of the Impacts of Extreme Weather Events to
Human Health Risks
- Dates: June 3 - 4, 2010
- Location: DIMACS Center - Rutgers
- Organizers: Endre Boros, Rutgers University; Melike Baykal-Gursoy, Rutgers University; and Nina Fefferman, DIMACS
- Email: boros at rutcor.rutgers.edu, gursoy at rci.rutgers.edu, fefferman at aesop.rutgers.edu
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Document last modified on February 14, 2011.