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DCI '00 Week 1
Graph Partitions
July 10 - 14, 2000


Chris Rodger (Chair, Week 1), Auburn University, rodgec1@mail.auburn.edu [Photo]
Linda Lesniak (Program Director), Drew University, llesniak@drew.edu
Fred S. Roberts (Principal Investigator), DIMACS, Rutgers University, froberts@dimacs.rutgers.edu


Lars Dovling Andersen, Aalborg University, lda@math.uac.dk [Photo]
Darryn Edward Bryant, University of Queensland, db@maths.uq.edu.au [Photo]
Mary Courtney, Pace University, mcourtney@pace.edu
Michael Daven, Mount Saint Mary College, daven@msmc.edu [Photo]
Jeffrey H. Dinitz, University of Vermont, Jeff.Dinitz@uvm.edu [Photo]
Saad El-Zanati, Illinois State University, saad@math.ilstu.edu [Photo]
David Fisher, University of Colorado at Denver, dfisher@math.cudenver.edu [Photo]
Chin-Mei Kau Fu, Tamkang University, cmfu@mail.tku.edu.tw [Photo]
Sheel Ganatra, The Charter School of Wilmington, Delaware, mr_sheel@hotmail.com
Michael L. Gargano, Pace University, mgargano@pace.edu [Photo]
Heather Gavlas, Grand Valley State University, gavlash@river.it.gvsu.edu [Photo]
John Gimbel, University of Alaska at Fairbanks, ffjgg@aurora.alaska.edu [Photo]
Terry Griggs, The Open University, t.s.griggs@open.ac.uk [Photo]
Alan Hartman, IBM Research Laboratory, Haifa, Israel, hartman@il.ibm.com
Irith Ben-Arroyo Hartman, Open University and Haifa University, irith@cs.haifa.ac.il [Photo]
Dean Hoffman, Auburn University, hoffmdg@auburn.edu [Photo]
Mel Janowitz, Rutgers University, melj@eden.rutgers.edu
Alexander Kelmans, University of Puerto Rico, kelmans@rutcor.rutgers.edu [Photo]
Brenda J. Latka, Lafayette Colledge, latka@lafayette.edu
Curt Lindner, Auburn University, lindncc@mail.auburn.edu [Photo]
Geoffrey L. McKenna, George Washington University, gmckenna@gwu.edu [Photo]
Louis V. Quintas, Pace University, lquintas@pace.edu [Photo]
Michael Edwin Raines, Western Michigan University, raines@math-stat.wmich.edu [Photo]
K. Brooks Reid, California State University, San Marcos, kb_reid@mailhost1.csusm.edu [Photo]
Alexander Rosa, McMaster University, rosa@mcmail.cis.mcmaster.ca [Photo]
Cem Saraydar, Rutgers University, saraydar@winlab.rutgers.edu
Benjamin Sudakov, Princeton University, bsudakov@math.princeton.edu
Evan Bruce Wantland, Western Montana College of the University of Montana, e_wantland@wmc.edu [Photo]

Updated November 12, 2002