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DCI '02 Research Program

Labelings and Numberings of Graphs
July 14 - 19, 2002

Program Chair:

Peter Slater, University of Alabama in Huntsville, slater@math.uah.edu



Speakers & Participants


REU Abstracts

All week one lectures will be given in the first floor auditorium.

A labeling of a graph is a function f:V(G) -> N = {0,1,2,...} that assigns to each vertex a nonnegative integer and which induces a function h:E(G) -> N, where the value of h(uv) for uv in E(G) depends on f(u) and f(v). For example, h(uv) might be the absolute value of the difference of f(u) and f(v), h(uv) = | f(u) - f(v) |. If f and its induced function h are one-to-one functions, then f is called a numbering. Typical of the graph labeling/numbering problems to be studied are the bandwidth labeling problem, where one seeks to minimize the maximum value of h, with an application to optimal data storage, and the graceful numbering problem with applications to such areas as coding theory, astronomy, and x-ray crystallography.

Page last updated: May 31, 2002.