pithy stuff

Chuck Biehl (cbiehl@online1.magnus1.com)
Wed, 19 Feb 1997 06:21:11 -0500 (EST)

There are a couple of issues on the table that I would like to start
addressing. Please respond to any and all that pertain to you.

1. There is evidence that some folks are either totally off-line or have
lost their connection, or whatever else prevents them from seeing thes
epostings. I would appreciate a short reply to this posting directed to me
only and as soon as possible, so I can evaluate lag time and holes in the
network. A simple "I hear you" would be fine. Please do not send a copy to
the list.

2. Elaine has expressed some concern on input from you pertaining to the
next follow-up. SHE NEEDS TO HEAR FROM YOU ! We are planning a full and
rewarding day and want to make sure everyone will be there. So please make
your plans (check the schedule on ther web for more details) and make poor
Elaine feel better!

3. Participant presentations: I realize that the follow-up is still over a
month away, but not by much and I don't want to fill in the schedule at
the last minute. Therefore *PLEASE* get in touch with me ASAP to make a
short presentation on "How I use the internet in the teaching of math
and/or computer science." (See below regarding presentations of

4. Lessons and projects for credit: Any of you working for credit are
*required* to make a short presentation of your lessons. Again, there are
still a few weeks 'til we meet, but there are many of you who will need to
schedule this short presentation (BTW, June will be too late) and I don't
want there to be a rush at the last minute. Speaking of requirements,
there seems to be a svere shortage of project and lesson activity on the
web. For credit, this is required to be posted by 3/1 so initial
evaluation can begin (hard copy can be delivered on 3/22- see below). If
for some reason you are ubnable to get your project on the web, contact
the appropriate lead teacher AND ELAINE *immediately* so that arrangements
can be made. Again, this is *required*.

5. Requirements for credit: This question has been asked a few more times,
so here are the details again. Lessons on the web by 3/1; hard copy
delivered 3/22, which includes the web article as well as the short paper
for justification of the lesson and your DREI participation; and of
course, a short presentation to your colleagues. This isn't brain surgery,
so your proactive participation is appreciated.

6. Success stories: I am looking for reports from you regarding *any and
all* inetraction with researchers since the summer. No matter how great or
small, if you've been in touch with them, I want to hear from you. Thanks.

I think that's enough for now. Any questions, please ask me or anyone

See you all Friday night the 21st of March!


L. Charles (Chuck) Biehl Show me "no-stress" in our
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