Starting: Fri 19 Jul 1996 - 00:00:-69538 EDT
Ending: Thu 16 Aug 2035 - 02:26:42 EDT
Messages: 831
- "A Granddaughter Is Born"
- (no subject)
- /lunar/u2 file system problem
- 11/9
- 21st century teachers
- 2MB quota
- 3/21-2 follow-up
- 3/22
- 9/28 follow-up
- ["Lipinski, John" <John.Lipinski@wl.com>: Math]
- [Fwd: "A Granddaughter Is Born"]
- [Fwd: [Fwd: Kudos]]
- [Fwd: A Smile to Start the Summer]
- [Fwd: Amazing anagrams (fwd)]
- [Fwd: april scientific american]
- [Fwd: dave barry (fwd)]
- [Fwd: Fw: For Teachers Only!!]
- [Fwd: Fwd: American Cancer Society]
- [Fwd: JavaSketchpad Debut]
- [Fwd: mathematics and cryptography]
- [Fwd: rail road ties]
- [Fwd: Shortest Distance Algorithm]
- [Fwd: This one is bound to insult almost everyone ;)]
- [Fwd: vertex coloring]
- [mcr@lava.net (Consuelo Rogers): Mathematics Networking Project
- A geometry recommendation from a science teacher.
- a good math joke
- a listserv
- A little help from my friends!
- A Quantum Leap
- a visitor to our site...
- AAAS Conference Feb 13
- Advertising the new DIMACS Connect Institute 2000: DCI '00
- After the follow-up . . .
- AGP in the Rope
- AGP in the Slats
- Algebra mentors
- Amazing anagrams
- an event (fwd)
- Another attempt
- another site to visit
- another update to Project X
- AOL accounts
- AOL users only
- AP Calc
- AP Stat
- Apologies, and where to get info on internet scams
- Apple Money
- Applicants for DREI1997
- Application Form DREI97
- Appreciation
- april 1
- April Calendar
- art gallery
- Article
- Assistance, please!
- Attachements
- Availability
- baby news
- baby pics
- back to it
- bad news
- bad news]
- Benefits of DREI '96
- Book Review
- bounce, yes, why, school, dimacs
- Brain Problem
- Calculus book needed
- calendar
- Can you aid this teacher?
- Can you help?
- car pool
- Card tricks
- Carnegy-Mellon program
- cartoons
- Casio site
- Cathy Zucco's article
- change of address
- changes
- changes to the pages
- charter schools town hall meeting
- Cheerful barcodes
- Chuck's Knotty Problem
- Chuck's map
- Chuck's paper vs. web
- Clock Arithmetic and Codes
- CNN - and David
- comments
- competency exam
- Computer Teacher Needed Now!
- Configurations
- Congrats!
- congratulations
- congratulations (PAC)
- Connecting Schools to the Internet
- contact
- Continuation of Weeks
- Cookies
- Cookies: make mine chocolate chip
- Cool Site!
- Corel Web Graphics Software
- Correction
- Corrections
- Course today & Friday
- credit projects
- cross your fingers
- Days Inn - directions
- decoder software
- dimacs account trick
- DIMACS list
- DIMACS Network Downtime Schedule
- dimacs/lunar downtime last night and today
- Directions to DIMACS
- discrete math text
- Doonesbury & Math Dept.
- Doubletree Hotel - 3/21-3/22
- DREI course notes on the web!
- DREI Followup
- DREI list archives
- drei page update
- drei page update ... hehe
- drei pages
- DREI Reunion Conference - Saturday, January 29, 2000
- Drei System
- drei.help-desk
- drei96 gatewayed to newsgroups
- DREI97 Application Deadline
- DREI97 IV - Roommate list #1
- duh!!!
- E-mail problem from Russia
- Easter Bunny is a Snoeshoe Hare!
- elephants
- Email
- email troubles
- emoticons
- Erdos on Channel One
- Ethel's paper
- Eudora, Netscape problems
- Experimental Page
- Experimental Page Evaluation
- False alarm
- Farallon Education Internet Challenge Grant
- Fax
- FCC ruling coming (fwd)
- Feed Down
- Fibonacci is everywhere!
- Flying geese directions]
- follow -up meeting
- Follow up II Nov. 8-9th
- Follow Up III, lesson plans
- Follow Up IV
- Follow-Up - housing
- follow-up date
- follow-up follow-up
- follow-up IV
- Follow-up on Brain Problem
- Follow-up on Scot's response
- Follow-up Session I
- Followup
- Followup session
- Food for Thought
- For macs
- Forwarded: Forwarded: Internet Viruses
- Forwarded: Forwarded: Internet Viruses)
- Forwarding Mail
- fractals and java
- Free booklet for using the Internet!
- Free CD from NASA
- Free CD ROM from NASA
- Free Internet Resource For Everyone!
- Free Internet Service
- Free Internet Service, and Email Address for Life!
- free software
- Friday 3/21
- Friday Nov. 8th
- Fringe Benefit.
- fun/un-facts
- future follow-ups
- FW: (Fwd) Fw: Dust Off Your Funny Bone (fwd)
- FW: thank you for tess. help
- Fwd(2): Excel Spreadsheets...statistics, finance
- Fwd(2): Fw: Phone Scam - Please Read
- Fwd(2): Fwd[2]: Brain Teaser
- Fwd(2): Good Web Search Materials
- Fwd(2): Herkimer's Hideaway
- Fwd(2): Lottery
- Fwd(2): Project
- Fwd(2): stat
- Fwd(2): Stat sites.
- Fwd(2): What is Math?
- Fwd(3): Hideaway update
- Fwd(3): Lotto and Good Will Hunting
- Fwd(4): Survey at Cate
- Fwd(4): Thoughts on Stat. AP
- Fwd: [Fwd: more bill gates/ ms bashing :-)]
- Fwd: A joke for my elderely friends
- Fwd: Card trick
- Fwd: Excel spreadsheets and Herkimer's Hideaway
- Fwd: Herkimer's Hideaway
- Fwd: I'm Learning...Hang with me
- Fwd: Internet Literacy
- Fwd: Lotto and Good Will Hunting
- Fwd: Math Tutoring on the Web
- Fwd: Minneapolis
- Fwd: Perhaps something to offer
- Fwd: Sharing (New AP Topics)
- Fwd: Sites
- Fwd: The Concrete Wheel
- Fwd: Web Info...Maybe useful
- Geekonics
- Geometry Center is in Jeopardy!
- geometry question
- girls in classes - sharing students thoughts
- Good to be with you on Saturday
- Grant deadline is September 15 .. write essay!
- Grants info
- Grants info 2
- Gratitude & Update
- Great News!
- ground rules on Internet multimedia
- Guards in polyhedra solution
- Happy (old) New Year / April Fool's Day
- Happy Easter!
- Happy New Year
- Happy New Year!
- having a bad day?
- Hearings and Geom.
- Hello
- hello everyone
- Hello From Baltimore
- hellooooo
- Help
- help for a friend
- help for a friend of mine
- Help on Student Assessment
- help wanted
- HELP! (Internet project)
- Helping out with drei.help-desk
- Hi
- hi all
- Hi folks
- holiday workaholics
- Holidays
- Home page sites
- Housing request
- how to change your organization name
- how to?
- HTML editors
- humor
- hypermail ready for drei96
- I am moving
- I must have Altz
- I thought that you wouldlike this one.
- I'm back again ( i think)
- I'm still trying!!
- ICONnect Mini-Grants
- if i'm not there...
- Importance of mathematical exactness.
- In-touch
- Info for Followup IV
- information Chuck wants ..
- information, please
- Inside Windows
- Interesting Article
- Interesting reading ...
- intermnet policy
- Internet
- Internet Literacy
- Internet project ideas
- internet workshop
- IRA's
- Ira's problem
- Is anyone contributing? (fwd)
- Java
- Java Problem
- JavaSketchpad Debut
- Jay
- Jeff Weeks wins Major Award
- Jill's log
- just a laugh
- Just for the fun of it!
- Keeping a Promise
- Keeping in Touch
- Keeping the fire going
- Kids' answers
- lack of responses by me
- Lack of responses from me
- last follow up
- Learn Something New Every Day Dept.
- lesson plan
- Lesson Plans
- lessons
- lessons - one more thing
- Linux / Windows NT
- loking for you
- Look ... cool images ... tell your science teachers
- Looking for hosts - Nov. 8th
- lotto
- Lou
- Lunar and Climax System Upgrade
- lunar and climax upgrade
- lunar and climax upgrade: TOMORROW---Jan.11th
- lunar disk problem
- March
- March 21-22 Follow up
- March Follow-up
- MaryAlice
- Math & CS rated best jobs
- Math Article in Wash. Post
- Math at the Movies
- math courses
- Math everywhere
- Math in the News
- Math League problem
- math report card
- Math Resources for Teachers: Pre-K - High School
- Math Teacher
- math tracking in the middle school
- Mathematician's Birthdays
- mathematics and cryptography
- MathFest presentation coming up
- May calendar
- meshing
- microbrewery
- Microsoft software
- Microsoft Visual Success Advisory Team
- Microsoft!
- mini-talks
- Minneapolis
- minor drei96 webpage updates
- Moore
- more on Follow-up IV
- More on grants .. clarification
- more space tip
- Motel rooms
- my "other"email address
- my email address
- My voronoi lesson plans
- NCTM national conference
- NCTM Standards 2000
- Need your input!
- NetDay 97
- Netmeeting is free!
- Netscape Gold
- Network Interruptions
- new address
- New email address
- New Home
- new info on the web site
- New Links
- new location
- New Math Criticized
- new news server on av.rutgers.edu
- new newsgroups created for DREI
- Newark
- news server
- News!
- NJ and PA members
- No ruler
- Norman Webb
- NSTA Teaching Awards -- many listed here
- NSTA Teaching Awards)
- NSTA Teaching Awards, Grants
- Number of people on line
- number theory problem
- One of Our Own
- Opp for Physics Teacher (fwd)
- Other Intros
- Other items for evaluation NSF
- Outcome from DREI96
- Outside-In
- P.S. - self help page
- page of Java applets
- Pages
- paper and web lessons
- Partnering for Thinkquest
- party???
- password
- passwords
- Personal Touch
- Phone
- pine
- pithy stuff
- Plagiarism
- Please read & respond - Note NO November 2nd Mtg.
- Poker Games
- Polar Bear Members
- Polar Bears
- Polar Bears come in Pairs
- Pool Party Puzzle answer (4/07) (fwd)
- position available (fwd)
- position paper
- Possible discussion topic
- posting from home
- Princeton
- Program Director - DREI
- Programming ??
- Project
- Projects
- PS
- Published and online.
- Publishing .HTM files
- Puzzle
- question
- quickie
- quickie reply
- Quiry
- Re MaryAlice's wedding
- RE: Puzzle
- RE: Sites
- Recruitment and advertising for "DREI" 2000
- Reflection on DREI96
- Regrets
- Resources for Discrete Mathematics
- Resources for your projects - newsgroups, java, etc.
- Result of DIMACS
- Revised Directions to DIMACS
- Roommate List
- Roommate List - REALLY
- sample problems
- Sanderson's article
- SC97 blurb
- Science experiment of the day (fwd)
- Second phone line
- Security
- Shape of Space
- Shape of Space video (fwd)
- Sharing
- Sharing time
- Sherida's telephone number
- show-and-tell
- Significant figures
- Sites
- Sleeping arrangements Nov.8-9
- Snow Day
- Some "light" humor
- Sorry !
- Sorry!!
- Sorting :)
- sphereland
- Spreadsheet Ideas
- Square and Circles
- Squares and circles
- starting school
- statistical probability
- Still need partners on TQ
- student projects
- stuff
- stuff for page
- success stories wanted
- Summer
- Sunday followup to First followup
- SuperComputing97 -- Sep19 deadline
- sweets
- symbol history
- system upgrade (fwd)
- taxes and grades
- Teacher Opening
- Teacher's salaries (humor) (fwd)
- Tech Project
- Technology experts
- Teeshirts
- telnet?
- temporary server problems
- Tennis
- Tessellations
- Tessellations (fwd)
- Testing VD Plans
- Texas Instruments Program
- textbooks, job opening
- Thanks
- thanks for the help
- thanks...
- the evil empire asks ...
- The Holidays
- the last follw-up
- The Mathematics Teacher
- the playground is now open
- The tax man cometh!
- The Wedding
- Things to consider
- ThinkQuest Finalists
- ThinkQuest Internet Contest
- this you gotta see... and try!
- Thought that you would like this.
- tilings and toilets
- topics
- tough work
- Transcript Information
- Transportation
- Trash Recovery
- Travel
- Travel dates Follow up IV
- Treasure Chest site
- Trig Help
- tsp problem
- Twelve Marbles Solutions
- Up/downloading Help
- Update
- update homepage
- updates
- urban legends
- US NEews& World Report and Geometry
- Using attachments
- VD
- Virus dispersal
- Virus Software
- Visual J++ Followup
- Voronoi applet?
- Want Ad
- Web lessons
- web page
- Web site
- Web Sites
- website
- Week 2 Abstracts
- What is Math? and more
- What's up
- Who is staying where
- Women & Math & Grants
- Women in Math
- Writing
- YES!!!!!!!!!!!
Last message date: Thu 16 Aug 2035 - 02:26:42 EDT
Archived on: Sat Oct 21 2000 - 10:16:21 EDT
This archive was generated by hypermail 1.02.