Linux / Windows NT

Roseann Krane (
Sat, 19 Apr 1997 14:15:57 -0700 (PDT)

In response to the questions concerning Unix / Linux and Windows NT being
installed on your systems and choice of computers from Fran:

We have used Unix since 1991 and Linux since 1993. Both are very stable
and the software for programming is free and handles the basic language
constructs well. The problem for us is the security. Even though we run
crack and Satan, we have been wiped out a number of times. In fact we are
in the process of rebuilding our system now and you can see I am now on
the list-serve from our district address.

This time I am installing shadowing with the Linux. I am looking at
crackerjack and john both for security, but I don't know kerborous (or
even how to spell it). I'm also thinking of installing Red Hat. This is
all time consuming too. So before you decide to enlarge your world with
this operating system, consider the time and effort you will need to
expend. I do train students to handle it but it is never sufficient.

We have just set up our new computers (Pentium 166 w 32 meg ram, 1.6
gig hard drives) with Windows NT workstation and a Windows NT server. They
are smooth and quick and can telnet to the one server which has the Linux
and all the internet accounts. So you do not need to install linux on all
the systems. But do download the patches for the NT as there are security
holes even with the NT 4.0. I have also been going through trainging on
running the installing the NT. If you go with NT, you will also need to
learn to handle it like the UNIX/Linux operating system.

Someone just asked do you need to provide your own tech service. We have
for the last 12 years, but this year we do have some tech support from the
district and at the school site. But they can't handle this stuff! So you
better keep up to date and learn it if you are going to use it. I do it
cause I love it. I'd leave if I didn't want to face learning all the new
operating systems and languages. But my students aren't getting as much
from me in the way of language lessons as I don't have the time at the

Hope I've answered the individual requests I've received, but as I lost
two weeks of mail (a lot I hadn't read), I am not sure. Please don't
hesitate to send email again if you had a question.

Roseann Krane,
Monte Vista High School, UNIX System Administrator (510) 552-2859
3131 Stone Valley Road, Danville, CA 94526,
Teacher, Computer Science Department (510) 837-7507

"All students are different, schools should make them more so!"