What I got out of DREI:
1) I had a chance to work with a terrific group of teachers who are talented,
intelligent and interested in improving themselves and their students.
2) I met some extremely talented researchers who are friendly and respectful
of teachers. I could tell my students that I have met these "famous"
mathematicians who discovered or thought up the concepts discussed in class.
I also learned so much from them about Computational Geometry when I spoke
to these people personally.
3) I learned how this branch of mathematics that I had previously knew
nothing about, is used in the real world. I learned how so much of our life
involves Computational Geometry. This makes it a lot easier to teach
4) My experience on the Internet both with my home page and with the
mathematics related topics gave me the confidence to teach others. I am the
advisor for WISE (woman in science and engineering). These students needed
to learn how to use the web. I help them search for information on DNA. I
also helped other students in my and other teachers' classes on how to use
the web. Specific ally, one of the math teachers gave the students an
assignment on geometry and radicals. I wrote members of DREI as well as sent
the students to the geometry center. Both avenues proved fruitful. Duncan
Chiu and the center were extremely helpful.
5) Last, but not least, I met some wonderful "leaders" who were dedicated,
tough (by keeping us on task), possessing a wonderful personality who ran a
extremely professional, well run program. I like to consider them friends.
I am a teacher with thirty three years experience. I am very critical of
other teachers. I, however, find it impossible to criticize any aspect of
this program.