Integrative Research and Education Programs:

DIMACS Bio-Math Connect Institute: An exploratory two-week program featuring high school mathematics teachers (including those teaching computer science and statistics).

DIMACS Connect Institute: The Institute offers a one-week program of research workshops, along with an educational program for high school teachers

DIMACS Connect Institute High School Student Research Conferences: The conferences feature presentations by high school students on their research. The research papers presented at the conferences resulted from intensive academic year student research experiences following the summer research experiences for teachers as part of the DIMACS Connect Institute (DCI).

DIMACS Research and Education Institute: The Institute offers a three-week program of research workshops, along with an educational program for high school teachers.

DIMATIA International Partnership: DIMACS has a partnership with DIMATIA, the Center for Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Informatics and Applications based at Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic. This partnership involves: joint workshops, visitor and student exchanges, and a joint Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Program.

Reconnect Summer Conference for College Teachers: These conferences expose faculty teaching undergraduates to the mathematical sciences research enterprise by introducing them to a current research topic relevant to the classroom through a series of lectures by a leading expert and involving them in writing materials useful in the classroom.

Reconnect Two Day Workshops for Two Year College Teachers: This program is aimed at introducing two-year college faculty to discrete mathematics and to some current research topics relevant to the classroom and reconnecting them to the mathematical sciences enterprise

Research Experiences for Undergraduates: The program begins with eight weeks of intensive work during the summer of 2004; students are strongly encouraged to continue their projects during the academic year. DIMACS also offers an exchange program between DIMACS and our sister site DIMATIA. The program is extended by two weeks, and the last two and a half weeks of the program are spent at our sister site DIMATIA at Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic.

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Alphabetical Index of DIMACS Web Pages
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Document last modified on August 30, 2004.