[July 2017]
Is Your Database Secure?: New Attacks and Leaks Discovered
Rutgers computer science graduate student
Durak has a growing body of research on encryption methods that provide security guarantees while also satisfying additional practical requirements. She recently helped to uncover an attack on the FF3 encryption method recommended by NIST for securing information in databases, and she showed that secure order-revealing encryption methods can be vulnerable to multi-column attacks on correlated tabular data.
[October 2016]
Recent Results in Locally Testable and Locally
Decodable Codes
IAS/DIMACS postdoctoral fellow Noga Ron-Zewi and her
collaborators have made several recent breakthroughs in the study of
locally testable and locally decodable codes. Among other things,
work provides an exponential improvement on the best-known query
complexity of such codes.
[May 2015] REU 2014: Research in Review
DIMACS will welcome students participating in the 2015 Research Experiences
for Undergraduates (REU) program on June 1, and it looks like
the students from the 2014 program left them big shoes to fill.
During the past year, the 2014 REU students have co-authored 13
papers, given 13 conference talks, and presented many more posters
describing their research. In anticipation of the 2015 program, we
highlight a few of the results from the 2014 group.
[November 2013] Differentially Private
Modeling of Human Mobility at Metropolitan Scales
Former Rutgers graduate student Darakhshan Mir and her collaborators, Rebecca Wright,
Ramón Cáceres, Sibren Isaacman, and Margaret Martonosi, developed a new method that
applies differential privacy to human mobility modeling in metropolitan areas. The
goal of the new work is to realistically model how large populations move within a
metropolitan area while rigorously safeguarding the privacy of individuals whose data
are used.
[October 2012]
Discrepancy of Three Permutations
DIMACS researcher Alantha Newman and graduate student Aleksandar
Nikolov discovered a counterexample to a long-standing a
conjecture by Jozsef Beck (
Mantel’s Theorem for Random Graphs