DIMACS People:
DIMACS involves a large number of people in its programs of
research, education and outreach.
The principal groups and
their descriptions are:
- DIMACS Staff:
The DIMACS management and staff are responsible for coordinating and
overseeing all DIMACS programs.
- DIMACS Members:
Members are scientists at affiliated member sites who
volunteer on committees and in other organizing capacities
to guide the scientific direction of the center.
- Postdoctoral Associates:
Each year DIMACS selects a number of postdoctoral associates in
discrete mathematics and theoretical computer science for positions
at member sites.
- Visitors:
DIMACS visitors spend varied periods of time at the center.
They can spend time at any of the sites for periods ranging from a week up to a year.
- Research Faculty:
Research Faculty spend varied periods of time at the center.
- DIMACS Committees:
DIMACS is governed by committees that help to identify future directions for our programs.
DIMACS home page
Alphabetical Index of DIMACS Web Pages
Contacting the Center
Document last modified on November 12, 2015.