DIMACS Workshop on Algebraic Coding Theory and Information Theory
December 15 - 18, 2003
DIMACS Center, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ
- Organizers:
- Alexei Ashikhmin, Bell-Labs, aea@research.bell-labs.com
- Alexander Barg, DIMACS, abarg@ieee.org
- Iwan Duursma, University of Illinois, duursma@math.uiuc.edu
Presented under the auspices of the
Special Focus on Computational Information Theory and Coding.
Papers and Slides:
- Alexei Ashikhmin, Bell Labs
General Properties of Optimal Decoding: EXIT function
characterization of MAP decoding
- Jean-Claude Belfiore, ENST, Paris
Non-Coherent Space-Time Codes
- Sergiy Butenko, Texas A&M University
Computing Largest Correcting Codes and their Estimates Using Optimization on Specially Constructed Graphs
- Aaron Cohen, Brown University
Entropy Amplification by Aperiodic Noise and Applications on Side Information Problems
- G. David Forney, MIT
Minimal-span Bases, Linear System Theory,
and the Invariant Factor Theorem
- Babak Hassibi, California Institute of Technology
Random Matrices, Integrals and Space-time Systems
- Hyun Kwang Kim, Pohang University, Korea
A Classification of Posets Admitting MacWilliams Identity
- Gerhard Kramer, Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies
On Networks of Two-Way Channels
- P. V. Kumar, USC
Rate-diversity tradeoffs of space-time codes and optimal constructions
- Simon Litsyn, Tel Aviv University
On the PAPR problem
- Prakash Narayan, University of Maryland
Secrecy Capacities and Multiterminal Source Coding
- Alon Orlitsky, UCSD
Compression and Estimation Over Large Alphabets
- Reginaldo Palazzo, University of Campinas, Brazil
A New Mathematical Approach for the Design
of Digital Communications Systems
- Gil Shamir, University of Utah
Applications of Random Coding and Algebraic Coding Theories
to Universal Lossless Source Coding Performance Bounds
- Neil J. A. Sloane, AT&T Shannon Labs
Nonintersecting subspaces based on finite alphabets
with applications to noncoherent multi-antenna systems
- Pascal Vontobel, University of Illinois
Graph Covers and Iterative Decoding of Finite-Length Codes
Workshop Index
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Contacting the Center
Document last modified on March 8, 2004.