DIMACS Workshop on Identifying Genetic Signatures for the Evolution of Complex Phenotypes
June 11 - 12, 2009
DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University
- Organizers:
- Gyan Bhanot, Rutgers University; Cancer Institute of New Jersey and the Institute for Advanced Study, gyanbhanot at gmail.com
- Raul Rabadan, Columbia University, rabadan at dbmi.columbia.edu
Presented under the auspices of the Special Focus on Computational and Mathematical
Epidemiology and the DIMACS/BioMaPS/MB Center Special Focus on Information Processing in Biology.
This special focus is jointly sponsored by
the Center for Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science (DIMACS),
the Biological, Mathematical, and Physical Sciences Interfaces Institute for Quantitative Biology (BioMaPS),
and the Rutgers Center for Molecular Biophysics and Biophysical Chemistry (MB Center).
Call for Participation:
Researchers wishing to be considered for invited talks or posters should submit a 2 page abstract (minimum font size: 11 point Times Roman or 10 point Arial). Abstracts should be sent to gyanbhanot@gmail.com by January 31, 2009 and should state clearly whether they want to be considered for a talk or a poster or both.
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Document last modified on June 4, 2009.