DIMACS/PMMB/MBBC Workshop on DNA Topology II
April 3-4, 1997
DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ
- Organizers:
- Wilma Olson (Chair), Rutgers University, olson@rutchem.rutgers.edu
- Bernard Coleman, Rutgers University, bcoleman@stokes.rutgers.edu
- Tamar Schlick, NYU, schlick@nyu.ed
- Irwin Tobias, Rutgers University, tobias@rutchem.rutgers.edu
Call for Participation
The organizers have not provided a call for participation yet.
Some workshops invite papers and some have open solicitation.
If this is not completed yet, the
Workshop Announcement
may have information.
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Document last modified on February 21, 1996.