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LPS Research Topics
Research topics at LPS encompass mathematical and simulation modeling and performance evaluation, systems optimization and decision support, statistical methods of anomaly detection, risk analysis and assessment, and homeland security supporting technologies, such as sensor networks and image processing. The main thrust areas of research and some representative projects are described below.
- Technology for Secure Cargo Flows
This thrust area concerns technology underpinning cargo security. Port operators are turning to new technologies to deal with the challenge of reconciling increasing security needs with unimpeded cargo flows. A major technology component of port security consists of various sensors to detect radiation and anomalies signifying the presence of contraband in containers.
- Modeling and Evaluation for Secure Cargo Flows
This research thrust area will address modeling and analysis of containerized-cargo security operations. Clearly, security operations must strike a balance between providing security and impeding the movement of cargo with the attendant economic costs. To this end, careful modeling and evaluation of marine ports should be used to assess the efficiency and effectiveness of security field operations, and to aid decision makers in quantifying the trade-off between achieving security goals and their attendant costs, as well as providing feedback for devising improved operations.
- Port Management under High-Consequence Events
This research thrust area will address modeling and analysis of the disruptive impact of high-consequence events in and around port complexes, as well as ways of mitigation and recovery from such events. The 9/11 event demonstrated the vulnerability of the U.S. economy to shutdowns of the transportation system. In particular, the congested Northeastern seaboard with its major port complexes is a key entry point into the U.S., and its busy transport corridor is replete with choke points.