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March 18, 2021, 12:10 PM - 1:00 PM


Online Event

List of Posters

Advice Auctions
Nicolas Della Penna (MIT)

From Proper Scoring Rules to Max-Min Optimal Forecast Aggregation
Eric Neyman (Columbia University)
This poster is associated with a talk given earlier in the day. [Presentation video]

Decision Scoring Rules
Caspar Oesterheld (Duke University)

The Wisdom of The Crowd and Higher-Order Beliefs
Mallesh Pai (Rice University)

Comparing Forecasting Skill vs Domain Expertise for Policy-Relevant Crowd-Forecasting
Emile Servan-Schreiber (Mohammed VI Polytechnic University)
This poster is associated with a talk given earlier in the day. [Presentation video]

Forecast Aggregation via Peer Prediction
Juntao Wang (Harvard University)
This poster is associated with a talk given earlier in the day. [Presentation video]

Two Strongly Truthful Mechanisms for Three Heterogeneous Agents Answering One Question
Fang-Yi Yu (Harvard University)

Truthful Data Acquisition via Peer Prediction
Shuran Zheng (Harvard University)