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Beyond DIMACS - How Fred has Helped Shape the Lives and Disciplines of Researchers He's Never Even Met

October 17, 2024, 1:50 PM - 2:10 PM


The Rutgers Club

Livingston Campus

85 Avenue E, Piscataway, NJ 08854

Nina Fefferman, University of Tennessee

Few researchers have the depth and breadth of Fred's research accomplishments, but in this talk, rather than focusing on his research contributions, I'll discuss just a few of the many ways in which Fred has influenced the work of others as a director and mentor.

Nina Fefferman is a professor at University of Tennessee in the departments of Mathematics and Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, where she is also both the director of the National Institute for Modeling Biological Systems (NIMBioS) and of the recently founded US NSF Center for Analysis and Prediction of Pandemic Expansion (APPEX). Before that, Fefferman spent a decade in residence at DIMACS (and DyDAn and then CCICADA), the experience of which shaped her understanding of what a thriving center can accomplish - a legacy she tries to honor daily.