DIMACS/TRIPODS Workshop on Optimization and Machine Learning

Videos of Plenary Talks during the DIMACS/TRIPODS workshop and the TRIPODS/MOPTA Conference

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DIMACS/TRIPODS workshop (alphabetical by presenter):

Peter Bartlett, University of California, Berkeley
Parameter-free Nonsmooth Convex Stochastic Optimization through Coin Betting

John Duchi, Stanford University
Better Models in Optimization

Suvrit Sra, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Tractable Nonconvex Optimization via Geometry

Kilian Weinberger, Cornell University
Deep Learning with Dense Connectivity

Steve Wright, University of Wisconsin
Practical Conditional Gradient Algorithms 

TRIPODS/MOPTA conference (alphabetical by presenter)

Dan Bienstock, Columbia University
Variability-aware power operations

Marija Ilic, Carnegie Mellon University
New Energy Space Modeling and Implications on Complexity of Decision Making and Control in Electric Energy Systems

Andrea Lodi, Polytechnique Montréal
On Big Data, Optimization and Learning

David Morton, Northwestern University
Optimizing Prioritized and Nested Solutions