Highlight: The 2018 STEM for All Video Showcase includes a video about the PS-Future project. The three-minute video introduces the PS-Future modules, the topics that student explore in them, and the mathematical and computational methods that can be used in planning for sustainability. The annual Video Showcase features short videos about over 200 innovative projects aimed at improving STEM learning and teaching that have been funded by the National Science Foundation and other federal agencies. Read more in a in a DIMACS News Highlight or watch the video.
Workshop: Katrina Palmer co-organized the MPE 2013+ Workshop on Connecting Community Colleges to MPE Sustainability Activities . Held May 19, 2016 at Northampton Community College in Bethlehem, PA and at Catawba Valley Community College in Hickory, NC.
Workshop: Katrina Palmer led a workshop at the North Carolina Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCCTM) meeting on teaching trigonometry using the Passive Solar module. Held in November 2015.
Workshop: Midge Cozzens co-organized the MPE 2013+ Workshop on Education for the Planet Earth of Tomorrow . Held September 30 - October 2, 2015 at NIMBioS, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN.
Workshop Talk: Tamra Carpenter, “Teach Your Children Well: Planning for Sustainability,” MPE2013+ Workshop on Data-aware Energy Use, University of California - San Diego, September 29-October 1, 2014. [Workshop website] [PDF Talk]
Colloquium Talk: Midge Cozzens and Gene Fiorini, “Resources for Addressing Common Core Standards in Math, Language Arts, and Next Generation Science Standards,” Mathematics Colloquium, Teachers College, Columbia University, September 15, 2014. [Abstract]
Workshop Talk: Midge Cozzens, “Developing Interdisciplinary Materials for 9-14 Classrooms,” Workshop on Teaching Discrete and Algebraic Mathematical Biology to Undergraduates, Mathematical Biosciences Institute, Ohio State University, July 29-August2, 2013. [Workshop website][PDF Talk]
International Innovation Article:
An article in International Innovation magazine describes activities in PS-Future and other
DIMACS education projects aimed at preparing students for a “multidisciplinary future.”
International Innovation
disseminates accessible information on the latest science, research and technological innovations on a global level.
[PDF Article]