
Submit Output & Papers

General Information

A submission must be received by 23:59 Pacific Standard Time (UTC -8) on the date that it is due. This applies to both solver outputs and Challenge papers across all competition tracks.

Submit Solver Outputs

Competitors must submit solver outputs by January 16, 2022 for the CVRP, VRPTW, and Ride-hailing tracks, and by January 30, 2022 for all other tracks.

To submit your solver output, click the "Submit Solver Output" button below. This will bring you to a form that will allow you to submit outputs for one or more competition tracks.

You will be asked to provide the name of your team, solver, and team leader as part of your submission.

Please note that outputs should be submitted as a single zipped file for each solver in each track in which it is competing.

You may submit outputs for multiple tracks in a single form submission or you may submit separately for each track, but only one output is allowed for each solver in each track.

When your submission is complete, you will be given the option to return to this page.

Submit Challenge Papers

Competitors must submit Challenge papers by February 1, 2022.

Details on the content and format of the paper are provided on the Papers & Publications page.

Papers should be submitted in PDF format.


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